COVID-19 //
This is and will be a continually changing process as we learn more about how to prevent infection and treat infection.
For those with symptoms of COVID-19: COVID-19 can present with many symptoms. If you think you may have COVID-19, please schedule a telemedicine visit. If testing or further evaluation is needed, we will instruct you during your visit how this will be done in a safe manner. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, DO NOT physically enter our building. Also, we do not provide “walk-in” services for COVID-19 or any other issues during this time. This is important to prevent further exposure risk.
COVID-19 Vaccination: Though we were approved in 9/2020 for provide COVID-19 vaccinations, we have not yet received vaccine supplies from the health department. As more vaccine becomes available, we are sure this will change. Once we have confirmation on receiving vaccine, we will open our registry on this site. We will also reach out to people to register. In the meantime, for those currently eligible to be vaccinated or those seeking more information, please continue reading.
Colorado is a “self-attestion” state for registry. What this means is that you are responsible for determining which “phase” you belong in and registering accordingly. No health provider note/order is needed. Though personal information will be collected at time of vaccination from any site vaccination is received. No ID is required. To determine your phase please use the following link:
Which vaccine do we recommend? All vaccines that have been approved by the FDA are highly effective. The best vaccine is the one that is in your arm. Don’t be picky. All of them markedly decrease risk of contracting COVID-19 and all reduce risk of serious illness. Unless you have a known allergy to ingredients in one vaccine, get whichever vaccine is being offered.
Where to get vaccines: Currently, anyone providing vaccination has their own, individual registry. Most currently are done through hospital systems. This includes, HealthOne (Skyridge, Swedish, etc), Centura (Littleton, Porter, Castle Rock, etc), UCHealth, SCL. Additionally, several are also providing vaccinations. To register with any site that provides vaccinations, you DO NOT need to have any prior relationship with that entity. Go to their website, and there should be a link to register.
UCHealth: Follow the pop up links
SCL Health:
CVS: Click on “Colorado”.
Kroger: Click on “Colorado”.
Costco: Not currently available in Colorado. Check this site for updates
Sam’s Club:
For people without symptoms but exposed to COVID-19: These guidelines are subject to change. As a general rule, current guidelines recommend quarantine for 10 days after exposure. This can be shortened to 7 days if a COVID-19 test was done and negative on day 5. Monitoring for symptoms must continue for the full 14 days. For more information, please visit:
We currently do not have enough testing available to test people without symptoms. If you have been exposed but have no symptoms or just desire testing, please visit:
For travel COVID-19 testing: We currently do not have enough testing available to test those that desire testing for travel. To get this testing performed please visit: If there is a timing issue regarding needing to get results back within a specified time limit, please schedule a telemedicine visit, there are a couple of centers that will provide them within a time guarantee but a provider will need to meet with you to get this order done.
For people diagnosed with COVID-19, quarantine guidelines: These guidelines are subject to change. As of 12/3/2020, current guidelines for those at home with illness recommend a minimum quarantine of 10 days. Infected individuals must ALSO have no fever, without fever reducing medications, for a minimum of 24 hours and also demonstrate improving symptoms. For more information, please visit: